Customer Service Charter

We want to be one of Victoria’s best specialised european mechanical workshop and as such are committed to providing customers with quality services that are fair, efficient, and have the best qualities.

Our Customer Service Charter summarises our service commitments to you.

We will:

  • Be courteous, professional.
  • Behave with integrity and honesty.
  • Act impartially and apply legislation consistently to make fair and equitable decisions.
  • Clearly and concisely explain information, legislation, and our decisions
  • Acknowledge mistakes and correct them.
  • Seek feedback and use it to continuously improve.
  • Use alternative ways, where appropriate, to resolve disputes.

We will respect your rights to:

  • Privacy — we will only use or disclose your information in accordance with the law.
  • Access information we hold about you as legally permitted.

In addition to our Customer Service Charter, we and our staff are committed to provide the best possible service to look after your vehicles.

We are open to feedback, including compliments, complaints, suggestions or any information about our services or performance. We believe everyone has the right to raise concerns and make a complaint, and would appreciate you providing us with the first opportunity to resolve your issue. We are committed to doing so in a fair, confidential and responsive manner, free from repercussions or prejudice.